Context /Background

Road traffic fatalities and injuries are a growing public health concern in India. According to the WHO, 300,000 people die each year in road accidents. About half of these deaths are among vulnerable road users – motorists, pedestrians and cyclists; other studies indicate that road accidents are the leading cause of death among children and young adults aged 5 to 29 years. Permanent disability due to a road accident is 2% and Estimated GDP loss due to road accidents is 3%.

Key Figures:

  • 500 children die every day around the world,
  • An estimated 1 million children each year miss education because of death or injury in road traffic crashes

In India, Tamil Nadu is no exception to this catastrophic situation. The state has one of the highest numbers of Road Crashes fatalities in the country (65,562 people died in Tamil Nadu in a single year from traffic crashes only). The city of Chennai, after Delhi, is the city with the second highest number of road crashes leading to fatalities and the first for crashes leading to severe injuries.

About Project

In this context, HI is implementing a project titled “Together for Safer Roads in the State of Tamil Nadu, India” with financial support from the PSA Foundation. This project aims at reducing the number of fatalities, injuries and their consequences in Tamil Nadu, though a set of interventions that comes under Decade of Action for Road Safety : Pillar 4: Safer road users: Improving safe driving knowledge, attitudes and behaviour.

This will be achieved by

  1. a) Supporting Safe Schools Zone actions
  2. b) Multimedia awareness campaign aimed at youth and school children.
    The project will be implemented over a period of 15 months (October 2019 – December 2020)

It is expected that 1500 children including 60 teachers will participate in activities on safe school zones and 200,000 teens and youth will benefit from access to information on Road Safety leading to fewer injuries and fatalities.

Objectives, Expected Activities and Deliverables

The objective is to support the project team (ATSWA Trust and HI) to revise the Project Implementation Plan and define the technical support the Road Safety specialist will extend to the project.
The Road Safety specialist is expected to undertake the following activities:

  • Review the project document and the proposed implementation plan.
  • Contribute towards the finalization of the proposed implementation plan.
  • Confirm the technical support that the specialist can provide to the project and define deliverables, responsibilities and propose estimate on costs envisaged.